About the NNN!

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About the NNN!

Welcome to the Neonatura News Network! The Neonatura News Network, or NNN for short, is a feature of Neonatura games that keeps our users informed about the latest information from Neonatura, including:

You can read articles from the NNN here on the website, but the exciting part is that information about available NNN content is automatically downloaded into all Neonatura Games!

The graphics at the top of the main menu are updated from NNN periodically, providing only the most current and relevant information. Some images are “just for fun”, but most connect to a related article on our website or a Neonatura product at the AppStore. To learn more about a topic, simply click on the graphic to launch the Safari browser or AppStore application, as needed!

Warning: This means that if you take your iPhone to other countries, you should make sure that “data roaming” is off, so you don't get charged for download. Come to think of it, it's highly recommended to leave “data roaming” off generally anyway unless you're made of money. Many applications, including built-in ones like Mail and Safari, may use network access unexpectedly, so it's best to set data roaming to off unless you really know what you're getting into.

Here's what the NNN system doesn't do:

NNN is simple to use and stays out of your way when playing the actual game. And the whole download process happens during the Neonatura video displayed during startup, taking less than 5 seconds — even on the slowest network connections. So you'll probably never even notice it working!

NNN is robust, fast, convenient — and fun! Why not give it a try?

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